Mixing COMPLETE...
Hello to you all,
At last…the new Jadis studio album, 'No Fear of Looking Down', is finished and is currently being mastered.
It will be sent off for manufacture this week and we should have the finished CDs in approximately 3 weeks. So the release date will be 24th October...not September as I so confidently announced when we uploaded the Facebook post with the studio video back in the summer...we always over run and I can't stop tinkering about with the mix.
Steve's drum studio
Steve had suggested a great percussion part on the last day of mixing, but we just didn't have the time to sort it all out…that will go on the Medium Rare 2 CD.
As we did with the 'See Right Through You' CD back in 2012, we are going to sign and number the first 300 copies of the new album and will announce order details this week with an upload of some sound clips and Geoff Chandler's excellent album cover artwork.
The track listing for the new album is: 1. Listen to me 2. Where am I 3. Just let it happen 4. A thousand staring eyes 5. Change of the season 6. Seeds of doubt 7. Abandoned 8. No fear of looking down
In the meantime all of our albums, apart from 'No Fear of Looking Down', are now available to download in CD quality on our Bandcamp page linked below.
Gary, Steve & Martin at the studio - September 2016